tail : Linux基礎入門指令,檢視文字檔案最後面內容(最後十行)。。
[常用選項][Option]-n 指定所顯示的行數,預設是10行。
-f 鎖定並持續檢視文字檔案內容,若有新增資料會馬上印出。
in your username and password. Most of the tests use only temporary tables, so
almost any user should do (there are a few tests that need to create permanent
tables but they also delete them so you should not end up with garbage in your
3. Set the JAVA_HOME system property to point to your Java installation
4. In a command prompt, type:
build test
This will run a series of JUnit tests on your database. All tests should pass
normally. If any of them fails, please let us know about it (along with the
particular system configuration you were using).