more : Linux基礎入門指令,檢視文字檔案時,分段閱讀的功能。
[實例說明][Example Explain]
使用 Linux系統中 /usr的目錄做範例說明,/usr為系統預設目錄即Unix Software Resource,存放系統資源的地方。
功能:使用more指令檢視 /usr/ 底下檔案README
Hint: SPACE(空白鍵)下一頁,q / Q 離開
abc.txt etc games lib libexec local sbin src
bin fun include lib64 ln README share tmp
[root@pglab1 usr]# more README
jTDS is Free Software. jTDS is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License. A copy of the LGPL is provided in the LICENSE file. The
jTDS is released under the terms of the LGPL. A copy of the LGPL is provided
in the LICENSE file.
--More--(19%) (按'q'離開)
[root@pglab1 usr]#